Carlton Junior and Infant School

Carlton Junior and Infant School

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Carlton Junior and Infant School, Upper Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2DQ

01924 325265

Travelling to school

Travelling to school

Carlton have partnered with Kirklees, Modeshift Stars and Living Streets to take part in  WOW the year-round walk to school challenge.


Carlton Junior and Infant School are excited to be taking part in the Modeshift STARS award. 

Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.

STARS received the backing of the Department for Transport in November 2014 and is now recognised as the National School Travel Awards scheme.

There are four levels of accreditation that we can achieve Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. We are pleased to announce we are aiming for an accreditation in the mode shift award.

By taking part in the STARS award our aim is to encourage all pupils and staff to walk to school where possible. This will impact positively on the health and wellbeing of our children and staff as well as reducing congestion around school helping to keep everyone safe.  

Modeshift Stars schools have a dedicated Local Authority Officer who supports
them to make small, measurable, and achievable changes that help to:

o Promote healthier lifestyles – by encouraging people to get active
through more walking and cycling, thereby creating a healthier and more
productive community

o Create safer environments – by helping schools to identify and address
travel and transport issues to enable safer journeys for all

o Promote urban and rural regeneration – by ensuring people are well
informed of the travel options that are available to them

o Promote community cohesion – by engaging with the wider school
community and our good neighbours that care about the local
environment and their impact upon it

o Improve air quality – by reducing the number of vehicles and congestion
around sites to improve the quality of air locally

Anyone aged 5 to 10 pays half fare on most buses and all trains displaying the Metro symbol in West Yorkshire, including Metro school buses. 

Children under 5 travel for free when accompanied by a fare-paying passenger on most buses, and all trains displaying the Metro symbol in West Yorkshire. 

No PhotoCard is required

School Transport:

Bus timetables and journey planner:

General journey planner:

Train times, tickets and journey planner:

Concessions on tickets and passes:

Below is the school travel policy. Please read the following information and if you have any questions please contact the school office. 

School Travel Policy 

As part of the Modeshift Stars Award, we will be using the WOW travel tracker to record pupil journeys to school daily.  Each class is provided with an engaging dashboard to see which classes are leading the way in active travel.

The WOW Travel Tracker confirms which pupils have walked enough to earn a badge each month.

Our theme this year is Walk Through Time taking us back in time as we explore millions of years on earth. From prehistoric creatures and ancient societies, to important moments and great journeys that changed the world, pupils will walk through time and collect a new badge each month while learning about key events.

On average, WOW schools see a 30% REDUCTION IN CAR JOURNEYS taken to the school gate and a 23% INCREASE IN WALKING RATES.  

See the badges you can earn below:

WOW badges 

The map below shows the 5 minute walk zone around Carlton Junior and Infant School.

If a car journey is necessary, we ask that parents park at least 5 minutes away from school. This ensures that children still receive the health benefits of walking as well as ensuring that the immediate area around school is safe and free from congestion. We also need your help in reducing air pollution which can be 30% higher outside schools because of idling cars.  


Please find attached a leaflet showing 5/10/15 minute walking zones around school. 

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