Carlton Junior and Infant School

Carlton Junior and Infant School

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Carlton Junior and Infant School, Upper Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2DQ

01924 325265

Our Achievement Assembly

Our Achievement Assembly

Every Friday, Carlton Junior & Infant School celebrates the achievements of pupils and adults. This takes place in classes or an assembly and the children's successes are celebrated.

When there is a whole school achievement assembly, It is usually led by Ms. Mahmood-Ahmed, our Headteacher, or in her place, a member of our Senior Leadership Team. Children who have been high achievers during the week are celebrated in the assembly and will receive a prize in recognition of their achievement.

Children in each year group are chosen each week and parents and carers will be informed of their child’s achievement by receiving an invitation if there is a whole school assembly. 

If you wish to share a particular achievement of your child that has occurred outside of school, please contact your child’s class teacher.

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