Carlton Junior and Infant School

Carlton Junior and Infant School

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Carlton Junior and Infant School, Upper Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2DQ

01924 325265

Whole School Gallery

Whole School Gallery

Guitar lessons

It has been lovely to see children learning a range of instruments including the guitar.

Bilingual Workshop

Thank you to all our parents who attended the Bilingual Workshop. It was amazing to see our children share their languages and cultures with so much pride and to see such brilliant parental engagement.

British Science Week

We have taken part in a range of activities linked to the theme of ‘Growth’.

Reading Month

As part of Reading Month, we have taken part in a range of activities including: A whole school read at the park, book quizzes and many competitions.

Oxford Visit 2022

An excellent visit to inspire our children to dream big and reach beyond excellence.

Enjoying our New Structure

Children have been having fun at lunch time on their new structure. This has encouraged team building, control and balancing skills.

Mehndi Club

Amazing start to our new mehndi club. The children are learning new skills by creating intricate floral designs. The aim is to be able to replicate this eventually, after guidance and practice with a mehndi cone.

Festive Fun!

The Carlton community have been enjoying the festivities! We had a delicious Christmas Dinner, raised money for charity by dressing up as Elves and wearing our Christmas Jumpers and we ran a successful Christmas Fair that raised £173.

We would like to say a huge thank you to our Carlton families for supporting us with this event along with our Governors and PTFA for their kind donations and support with running this event.

Christmas Delivery

A huge thank you to Batley Sporting Foundation for the Toys delivered to Carlton for Christmas.

Mini Gym Introduction

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their Olympian Mini Gym introduction through North Kirklees School Sport Partnership

Remembrance Day 2021

Some of our pupils attended the remembrance service at Dewsbury Town Hall.

Black History Month Showcase Feedback

We received some fantastic feedback from our parents who attended the Black History showcase.

Black History Month Showcase

We have had a fantastic afternoon showcasing our Black History Month projects to the Parents and Carers. We are extremely proud of the work our children produced.

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2021

We had another successful Macmillan coffee morning in school and we are extremely proud that our Carlton Community raised £120.51

MP Visit

Kim Leadbeater MP came to visit us to present the Jo cox award and open our pond!

Refugee Week 2021

We had an inspiring visit from a Syrian Refugee, we really enjoyed hearing his stories about his life.

Celebrating Walk to School Week 2021

The whole school participated on a mile walk to celebrate walking to school week. We were very excited to be waved off by Strider the Mascot and the rainy weather didn’t dampen our mood.

Our New Sensory Pod

We are excited to announce the arrival of our new sensory pod! Carlton are pioneers for The Sensory Pod as we are the first mainstream school in the UK to have one! This pod can be used by adults and children with autism, special needs, who suffer from anxiety or just need some quiet time.

World Book Day 2021

We kicked off our Reading Month by celebrating world book day! The children dressed up as their favourite character and were challenged to be caught reading in a strange place. We are looking forward to celebrating reading throughout the rest of March.

Children's National Metal Health Week 2021

To celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week this year, we challenged children to dress themselves to express themselves. Have a look at some of the lovely photographs we received back.

World Science Day 2020

We all celebrated World Science Day by taking part in a whole school, biscuit dunking, science experiment.

Diwali 2020

We have all enjoyed celebrating Diwali through school in many different ways. We have produced some fantastic pieces of writing, art work and we made and tasted delicious Diwali food.

Children in Need Day 2020

We raised money for Children in Need by hosting a Non-uniform day.

Remembrance Day Video 2020

Black History Month 2020

We all dedicated the month of October to Black History. We learnt about Black History during our English lessons and also produced some fantastic Art Work too. We even got a special message off Beverly Knight!

Macmillan Cake Away

Due to Covid-19 we were unable to have our usual coffee morning. However we still raised awareness and money for the Macmillan charity by having a cake away at school. We baked and decorated baked goods to take home and enjoy instead.

Pancake Day 2020

World Book Day 2020

We dressed up as our favourite characters this year for World Book Day.

Sports Relief 2020

What a fantastic whole school event. We walked one mile to raise money for a good cause as well as raising awareness for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

EYFS & KS1 Reading Cafe

A huge thank you to our parents who attended our Reading Cafe. We had a lovely morning exploring books and reading activities with the aim of developing a love for reading in our children.

Self Harm Workshop

Thank you to all the parents who attended our recent Self Harm workshop.

Domestic Violence Workshop

A big thank you to all the parents who attended our recent coffee morning and Domestic Violence workshop.

Young Leader's Sport Competition

A huge well done to our Sport’s Leaders who attended the Young Leader’s Sport Competition! They all did a brilliant job.

2019-2020 Nativity

This year’s Nativity was a huge hit! Well done to all the Children and Staff who were involved and a big thank you to those who attended to watch their little superstars!

Kick Starting the New Year

Carlton kicks off New Year with Yr 3 attending Multi-Skills and Balance Bike training.  Thank you to the Yr 5 young leaders helped out too!

Bring a Parent to School Week

Carlton would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who attended. I hope you enjoyed watching how your child learns in our amazing school.

Whole School Nursery Rhyme Week

Children enjoyed learning new nursery rhymes and there actions this week, in conjunction with the national festivity.

Music at Carlton

Music is at the heart of Carlton and our whole school assemblies enables to collectively enhance our musical skills.

Carlton's New Additions!

At Carlton we now have 6 hens that reside with us in their amazing new Hen House. All the children are very excited about our new arrivals and they will be helping to look after and care for them.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank you at all the staff, parents and children who contributed to our Coffee Morning. Thanks to your generosity we have raised over £167 pounds for this fantastic charity.

Battling the Elements

Stammer Awareness Day

To raise awareness and show children how it would feel like to have a stammer, the Stems played some powerful games in class that give them insight to what it would be like living with a stammer.

“It was annoying, I had to stop talking and I just wanted to talk.” – MS

“I was a bit annoyed, it was rude, I wish she listened.” NM 

“I felt sad because you talked over me and I didn’t like it.” RL

Stems agreed that if someone has a stammer they need to show patience when they speak, not to finish their sentences and make sure they are paying attention.

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