Carlton Junior and Infant School

Carlton Junior and Infant School

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Carlton Junior and Infant School, Upper Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2DQ

01924 325265

Year 5 Blossoms

Welcome To Year 5

Welcome to Blossoms' class page

We are Mrs Tariq & Miss Patel and we are the adults that will be working with you this year.

If you would like to get in touch with us in regards to any questions or queries that you may have, we will be more than happy to help! Please contact us on the following email address:

Gallery 2024-2025

Autumn Term

  • Children in year 5 have been learning their roman numerals in their maths lessons. We have been able to apply these skills to various word problems. 
  • Take a look at some of the fantastic projects the children in year 5 have completed for their science topic- Earth and Space.  Children have used different methods and resources to create 3D models of our solar system. 
  • Children have planned and conducted a science experiment to gain an understanding on how the Earth's movement around the sun effects the length of shadows. 
  • Children in year 5 and 6 took part in a workshop with over 10 other schools to celebrate European Day of Languages. We travelled all over Europe including to France, Germany and Italy.
  • Our focal artist for this half term is Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We have recreated work in his style and analysed his work to understand how he creates portraits of others using objects such as food, books and buildings. 
  • As part of our Ancient Greece learning, children have been designing their own clay pots using traditional Greek patterns. 
  • In P4C, children have been learning about the British values and how these link to being a good citizen. We also looked at our school values and understood how these help us to be good to ourselves and others. 
  • Here we are bringing our designs to life and shaping our clay pots using clay. We used water to soften the clay so that we could add handles and used carving knives to replicate the traditional Greek patterns.
  • Our Junior Travel Ambassadors had a meeting to discuss how we could encourage the children at our school to use more environmentally friendly methods of travelling
  • For Black History Month, we focused on the brave achievements of Harriet Tubman. We learnt about her story and how she helped thousands of black people escape slavery. 

Gallery Archive 2023-2024

Introducing Year 5’s Pedagogy Pals, Peace Pals, Planet Pals and School Council. “I look forward to taking on such a big responsibility in school. I will make sure that every voice is heard.”


In music, we are continuing to develop our ukulele skills. We are building on what we learnt last year and creating music using the new techniques from each lesson.


We worked in pairs to research the pros and cons of travelling to the moon as part of our English lessons. We will use this information when writing an exploration narrative.


We worked hard over the holidays to create some lovely posters on Ancient Greece. We look forward to learning more about our new topic.


It is always important that we stay safe online. We created posters to teach others how to use the internet safely. We know who we need to speak to if we have any concerns online.


in English we used drama, role play and hot seating to get a better idea of the Apollo 11 Mission. It was interesting to hear ‘Neil Armstrong’ share his feelings on the moon landing.


As part of Topic in Year 5, we examined, designed, created and decorated our own ancient Greek clay pots after learning about the importance that they had during the ancient Greek era.


Claude Monet is our focus in art this term. Children in Year 5 have analysed artwork, followed by creating their own watercolour paintings inspired by Monet’s work.


It is so amazing to see children in Year 5 being proactive with their learning. Children have independently planned art and P4C lessons which were thoroughly enjoyed by all the class.


Year 5 & 6 have had a fantastic morning learning how to programme their own micro:bit. These were used to send messages and create flashing images on their devices.



Year 5 have enjoyed celebrating #NSPCCNumberDay by dressing up and creating art work using numbers. Can you spot the numbers in their work?  -Image

In PE, Year 5 have had a fantastic afternoon developing their teamwork and communication skills.


Year 4s and 5s took part in a World War workshop. They looked at lots of different artefacts from the First and Second World Wars and learnt about how they were used and why they were so impactful in the wars.


In Year 5, we have been studying the work of Andy Goldsworthy. We visited our forest school to create sculptures inspired by the artist, using natural materials.-Image

We raised money for the Forget Me Not children’s hospice. We have worn purple and donated to support this charity.-


After reading the book FArTHER, Year 5 have used drama and role play to portray the character’s feelings and emotions.----

Summer 2024

Image Year 5 & 6 had an amazing time in Rotterdam. We visited the famous Cube Houses, the Markthal, and Rotterdam Zoo. It was such a fantastic experience and we learnt so much.
ImageImage We took part in a Shakespeare workshop, where we learnt the story of Romeo and Juliet. We used drama and role play to portray the emotions of different characters.
Image A huge well done to our year 5 children who delivered their speeches to the whole school. You were all absolutely amazing. Today Carlton voted for their next Junior Leadership Team. Good Luck to you all!
ImageImage In year 5, we will be writing our own survival guides. To help us with this, we entered the jungle where we encountered dangerous animals, wild weather conditions and made use of what we could find to help us survive.
-Image Thank you for having us Upper Batley High. Children in Year 5 enjoyed working with Year 7, exploring their identities as part of the Carry My Story project.
Image Thank you to the parents who attended Year 5’s bring a parent morning. It was lovely to see children enjoying their maths lesson alongside their parents.
ImageImage Year 5 pupils enjoying reading for pleasure in our House Of Wisdom with Mrs Mir this morning. "I love these reading opportunities because reading makes me feel free and empowered!"

Gallery Archive 2022-2023

Maths Mastery

 In maths we have been using the CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach to help us with our learning. We also took part in a workshop for Bradford College students where we used the CPA approach in a maths lesson.

Sports Fun

Year 5 & 6 worked together to develop their sending and receiving skills in preparation for their invasion games

School Council

Our new Year 5 school councilors look forward to making a difference through kindness, respect and equality. We look forward to seeing the changes that you decide to make!

Earth and Space

Some of the amazing homework projects for our Science unit on Earth and Space.

Fundraising for Pakistan floods

Well done to the Carlton pupils and staff for taking time out at the weekend to help raise funds for the Pakistan floods.

Ancient Greece

In Topic, we have been  learning about Ancient Greece. Here are some of the activities that we have done in class:

  • Analysing a range of Greek artefacts and asking questions about them

  • Designing and making pots out of clay

  • Comparing Athens and Sparta


We are studying forces. For our homework we created our own ramps with different materials to test the friction and how the gradient of a ramp affects a vehicle's speed.

Claude Monet

In Art, we researched the impressionist artist Claude Monet. We then created our own paintings in the style of Monet. 

"I enjoyed painting Batley Park in the style of Monet."


Year 5 have been focusing on how to stay safe and what to do if you are being bullied. They were visited by a community officer who spoke about the different types of bullying and how to deal with them.

Special Journeys and places

In RE, we have learnt some of the special journeys that people make as part of their religious pilgrimage. 

"I visited Makkah which is the holy land for Muslims."

"My special place is Tunisia because my parents were born there and I visit it regularly."


We have been having lots of discussions in P4C. Some of the questions that we have discussed are:

  • Is there more happiness or sadness in the world?

  • Does the government help us or make life more difficult?

  • What would happen if there was no religion?


Oxford December 2022!


As part of our enrichment and wider curriculum, we visited the University of Oxford. It was an amazing trip and we are truly inspired by our visit.

"My favorite part was the workshops where we discussed the power of stories"

"I loved meeting the Oxford University students and finding out how they got there and what they are studying. I aspire to be like them one day."

Spring 2023

Reading Month Competitions


Year 5 have been competing to design a new character and write a character description. We can’t wait to read about each others new characters!

World Book Day


Take a look at Year 5’s World Book Day costumes! We are looking forward to sharing our favourite stories this afternoon.

WWII Workshop


Thank you to Janan for teaching Year 5 all about WWII and bringing in artefacts for us to look at. did you know, there were around 2.5 million soldiers from India and Pakistan who fought for the allies!

Drumming practice


Year 5 were introduced to their new instrument for the term. We had so much fun playing games whilst learning about the different types of drums.

Mental Health Matters


Year 5 are raising awareness for #mentalhealthweek by sharing special acts of kindness around school. “The smallest acts of kindness can make the biggest impact.”

Manchester Imperial War Museum


We had an amazing time visiting the Imperial War Museum in Manchester. We began by looking round the museum at the interactive timeline. Our workshop involved making our own documentaries which was so fun. We used phones to record what we wanted to include in our shows. We then went to the poppy memorial before visiting the gift shop. Overall, we had a fantastic day.


Number Day - NSPCC


In year 5, we started number day  by thinking of questions linked to the numbers on our clothes. Children then used their knowledge of decimals to teach maths to their peers


Dancing away!


To raise awareness for #mentalhealthweek we used dance to portray our feelings and emotions. Thank you to our amazing dance coach for helping us to practice for our dance performances



Year 5 have been using concrete representations to understand the concept of hundredths. Using Base Tens helped us to visualise what a tenth and a hundredth looks like. 


Chinese New Year Celebrations


In Year 5, we have been celebrating the year of the rabbit. We created fact files and poems based on why this is the year of the rabbit. In our showcase assembly, we were able to share facts and perform our poems for the school.




Year 5 are on track to learning their class dance in PE. We look forward to watching the final performance during the Carlton Dance Off!


Maths Mastery


In Year 5 we are starting to explore decimals. We used place value grids to represent different numbers. We will be moving on to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using fractions soon.


World War Two Trenches


In year 5 we are reading Goodnight Mr Tom and learning all about WWII. Here are some of the trenches that we created for homework. We have learnt about why the war began and the lives of both adults and children on the Homefront. We can't wait for our WWII trip in Manchester.


Summer 2023

Music: Ukulele

Year 5 have been enjoying their ukulele sessions. They are making excellent progress in their music lessons.



English: Drama

Today we used drama and role play to get a better feel for what explorers might experience as they journey through the rainforest. We even created props to use in our performances.



Topic: Maps

In Year 5, we have been using maps to locate Rainforests. We noticed that most rainforests are located between the Tropic of Cancer & the Tropic of Capricorn.



King's Coronation

Year 5 have worked hard to create art inspired by the watercolour paintings of King Charles. Did you know he became an avid painter once he decided that photography was not for him!



Art: Henri Rousseau 

Today in year 5, we went outside to build an awareness of colour and texture to inspire us when we create our art inspired by Henri Rousseau


Change Project

A huge thank you to our Year 5 parents for helping us to complete our Mosaics for the Change Project. We can’t wait to see the end result


Nurture Week:

Year 5 have spent Nurture Week at Carlton taking part in a range of reflective activities including emotional intelligence, a sense of one’s self, and team building activities.


Year 5 displayed excellent teamwork skills during their final activity of nurture week.


Science: Separating mixtures

In Year 5, we have been exploring different ways to separate mixtures including sieving, filtering, using magnets and evaporation. We can’t wait to see how long it takes for the water and sugar to separate using the sun’s heat to evaporate the water!


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