Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to Buds' class page
We are Mr Field, Mr Karolia & Mrs Audsley and we are the adults that will be working with you this year.
If you would like to get in touch with us in regards to any questions or queries that you may have, we will be more than happy to help! Please contact us on the following email address:
Gallery 2024-2025
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. | PSHE
In PSHE, children learnt about the different roles and responsibilities of every person within the school community. In groups, children performed role plays and ranked the responsibilities of every person before concluding that every person has an important role to play in the running of the school, including the children themselves. |
. | Maths In maths, we have have been using different concrete resources to help us partition numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Children used a range of resources such as, tens frames and dienes to support their learning. |
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History In our History lesson, we looked at the timeline of the First World War. Here, we identified the key events that occurred during the war and in pairs, performed freeze frames to display what we had learnt. |
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PE In PE, we have been practising building our fundamental movement skills. For an extra lesson, children had the opportunity to use the scooters in which we developed our balancing skills whilst playing game such as follow the leader and cone collection. |
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Science In our unit States of Matter, children have been learning about liquids, solids and gases. In this lesson, we looked at what defined these three states as well as acting as the particles that they consist of, demonstrating how they move. |
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Literacy In our English lesson, we began our immerse into the text 'The Whale'. In this lesson, we read a newspaper report which provided the children with an insight into perspectives of others and their opinions of whether the whale was real or not. With what they had found, they wrote and then performed their debate in which other children decided who had won. |
. | Science In today's science lesson, we performed an experiment to answer our question 'What happens to gas when it is heated?' We found that when we heated the gas particles in the bottle, they moved quicker than before and caused the balloons to inflate. |
PE Today we began our first fencing session! Here, we tried on our fencing equipment for the first time and learnt how to properly hold a foil. We then practised our footwork with the aim of being able to evade our our opponent. | |
PE Today, some of year 4s took part in a Sports Hall Athletics Festival in which children performed different skills such as speed, agility, balance and strength. | |
Reading Today in Year 4, children went to Dewsbury library where children had the chance to explore and find different books and of different genres. As well as this, children were able to complete different reading activities set for them. | |
History Today in History, children created their own poems as a part of paying their respects for Remembrance Day. Children were then able to perform these to the class before some were able to showcase their work in assembly. | |
PE Children have continued to perform their fencing sessions in Year 4 and have developed their skills as the term has progressed. Children are now participating in 1-1 duels with their peers and displaying a range of striking and parrying skills. | |
Music Today, 2 of our Year 4 pupils performed in our biannual guitar showcase performance. They played two songs using both their plucking and strumming skills and also treated us to a Christmas song to end with! | |
Maths This term, our Year 4 children have been working on becoming mini-teachers of their own. Every morning, pupils have the opportunity to teach the rest of the class the morning starter questions using their reasoning and questioning skills. |
Enter Accordion text...
Enter Accordion text...
This week, Buds had a visit from The School Games Programme who delivered 20 scooters. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning how to balance and use their hand-eye coordination to navigate the playground. Buds are really looking forward to becoming more and more confident. | |
Throughout this week, some of our Year 4s have had the opportunity to share their maths knowledge with the rest of their peers. For the morning starter activities, they have become the teachers and have led the sessions from the front of the class. | |
This morning, we had our first music lesson! Children were able to practise playing the ukuleles through playing the C-Chord and then sharing this to their peers at the end of the lesson. | |
In today's RE lesson, we learnt about the story of the Maccabees and how this led to the Jewish festival of Hannukah. This allowed us to understand why light is an important symbol in the Jewish religion. | |
In today's Topic lesson, we created a timeline of events across World War 1, summarising the key dates within the war. To deepen our understanding, we acted out these events as freeze frames and shared them with our classmates. | |
In today's maths lesson, we worked in group to become interactive number lines. Children put themselves as different multiples of 1,000 whilst others wrote numbers on their whiteboard and placed themselves in-between as an estimated position. | |
In today's English lesson, we formed two sides of an argument based on our vehicle text 'The Whale'. In this debate, we argued whether we thought the sightings of the whale were true or whether it was all a hoax. | |
Black History Month has begun! Today we started to celebrate Black History Month after Year 6's launch assembly by asking the questions 'Why is Black History Month important?' and 'How can we make Black History Month special?'. We worked in groups and shared our ideas with our classmates. | |
Today, Year 4 had their first Bush craft club of the year. Here, we worked in groups to make animal shelters using materials such as twigs and leaves which we found in the forest school. | |
In music, we are still continuing with our lessons practising learning to play the ukuleles. Now we have mastered the C-Chord, we are able to combine this with other notes which helps us to perform pieces of music to the rest of the class. | |
Today was National Poetry Day and National Teacher's Day. To celebrate this, we worked in groups to create our own acrostic poems to celebrate all of the hard work our teachers do for us. | |
In today's English lesson, we took on the role of journalists. We had the opportunity to interview different characters to work out whether the whale that was spotted was in fact true, or whether it was all a hoax. | |
Today in our maths lesson, we tackled column subtraction through using a combination of concrete, pictorial and abstract support. We used a range of counters, dienes and place value charts to help us alongside our abstract column method. | |
Today was National Mental Health Day. We celebrated this through discussing the topic with Kirklees' mental health lead, followed by creating posters on how oracy can be used to help improve our mental health. | |
Today, Year 4 shared their research all about the Battle of the Somme during World War 1 with their peers. They all found a range of interesting facts which they presented as a fact file. | |
Anthony Cotterill, the Paralympic wheelchair tennis player, came to visit Carlton today. He did some fun activities with us the in hall before hosting an assembly where we got to ask him some intriguing questions to find out all about his fantastic career. | |
Today in Year 4, we had the opportunity to practise our golf skills. We completed 4 different activities which involved us chipping and putting the ball so we could learn the basic golf skills. | |
In today's maths lesson we began building on our understanding of polygons. We used lollipops sticks to create both regular and irregular polygons, learning that for it to be regular they must have sides the same length and equal interior angles. | |
Today we celebrated Remembrance Day. Year 4s joined the Year 1 class in walking to Dewsbury's war memorial and paying our respects by laying the poppy wreaths we made and holding a 2 minute silence to remember those who sacrificed their lives for ours. | |
In our maths lesson today, we moved onto discussing and learning about perimeter. We began by collecting leaves from our forest school area and then drawing around the perimeter of the leaf. We then used string so that we could measure our perimeter and compare the lengths with our partner's leaf. We used the stem sentence to understand that the perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape. | |
In maths, we have begun to rediscover the concepts of multiplication and division. In our lessons, we have been using counters to get a deep understanding into what multiplication and division actually mean and practice sharing and grouping the counters. | |
In maths, we have continued to use counters to delve further into the concepts of multiplication. We have been creating arrays to model how multiplication equations can be represented and seeing that the same equation can sometimes be shown in multiple ways. | |
In today's RE lesson, we learnt about some of the stories taught by Guru Nanak. We focused on The Milk and the Jasmine Flower and how he taught everyone that there is always room for more goodness and holiness in the world. We acted out the story and reflected on the importance of the message. | |
In today's Humanities lesson, Year 4 learnt about the Treaty of Versailles. We learnt how the war ended and how different countries had different opinions about the Treaty and whether they thought it was a | |
In today's Humanities lesson, we discussed the day where all soldiers in World War 1 made a truce to no longer fight in order for them to celebrate Christmas. To show our understanding of how they may have felt during this time, children wrote letters from the point of view of the soldiers and then shared these to the class. | |
In today's science lesson, we focused on what we could do in our local community to protect and take care of the environment. We created plenty of different ideas to do this and then shared our proposals with the class. | |
In today's English lesson, we began looking at our new text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. We first used our inference skills to deduct the feelings of the characters from the text before using our drama and acting skills to then portray these emotions. |
Today, Year 4 visited the Jorvik Viking Centre. Here, we travelled back in time and became historians, exploring how Viking's lived their lives. We also became archaeologists at the DIG Site where we found artefacts from the past and began to identify what they were. | |
In today's science lesson, Buds became the particles of different states of matter. One group acted out the role of solid particles, by standing still and grouped together, another the group acted as liquid particles by moving around but staying close to each other and the final group acted as gas particles, spreading around randomly. | |
In today's RHE lesson, children looked at different scenarios where disappointment might occur. We acted these and then worked in groups to think of ideas as to how we can overcome these situations. | |
Today Year 4 and Carlton helped support the Forget Me Not Children's Hospice charity by raising money through wearing purple. Here, some of our pupils are with Ms Ahmed collecting the money we raised. | |
Today, our Year 4s and 5s experienced a World War workshop. Here, we learnt all about different artefacts from both the First and Second World War and how they were used as well how these were impactful to different countries during battle. | |
Today, Year 4 had Bushcraft club. Here they made their own stick men and stick animals using materials they found out in the forest school along with other materials. They created stick men to represent their personality. | |
Today was NSPCC Number Day. Children wore numbers to celebrate as well as completing different number activities. This was an important day to help raise awareness of abuse towards children and encourage those to speak out. | |
In Year 4, children were making potato characters! These potatoes were designed as a book character of their choice to help celebrate World Book Month. | |
Today, Year 4 took part in a science experiment to investigate what happens to a gas when it is heated. We discovered that gas rises as it is heated. However, we also learnt that sometimes experiments do not always go as planned and understand that we should expect some anamolies. | |
As a part of our music lesson, we worked in pairs to research one of our composers of the term, Miles Davis. We discovered that he was an American jazz musician from the 20th century and we displayed all we had learnt in a PowerPoint to share with our peers. | |
In our English lesson today, we worked in partners to create a script. During this, we are able to practice our skills in writing direct speech before presenting what we had produced to the class. | |
In our humanities lesson today, we researched how the Anglo-Saxons used to live. In this lesson, we looked at how modern day villages usually have roads, shops, religious buildings etc. whereas Anglo-Saxons settlements did not have the luxury of having all of this. | |
Following our humanities topic of Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, we looked at the way Vikings used to travel in our lessons. From this, we created our own Viking Longships with their fierce animal heads at the front. | |
To celebrate a part of a British Science Week, Year 4 researched different endangered species around the world. After completing their research, like real journalists, they then broadcasted their findings in front of their peers. | |
Again as part of British Science Week, Carlton had their very own Planetarium for the day. Here, children were exposed to space surrounding them, seeing all the planets, constellations and more. | |
Today was World Thinking Day. To celebrate this, Year 4 thought about what we could do to help protect and preserve the planet. To do this, we walked the school grounds and picked up litter to help look after our environment. | |
As a part of Fairtrade Fortnight, our Year 4 children went to Lidl to learn all about Fairtrade. Here, we found different Fairtrade and non-Fairtrade items and compared them and their prices to each other. | |
This afternoon, some Year 3 and 4 boys took part in a 7-a-side football competition against other schools in the area. All the boys played very well and enjoyed getting stuck-in! | |
In a recent maths lesson, Year 4 begun exploring area and what area is. To understand that area is the amount of space taken up by a 2D shape, we used post-it notes to create different shapes with the same area. | |
Year 4 took part in today's Mental Health Workshop. Here children focused on anxiety, looking at the signs of it, how it can start and what to do if you ever feel anxious. | |
In the run up to World Book Day, Carlton hosted its very own Literacy Bus. Here, children were able to visit a library disguised as a school bus! Year 4 listened to the story of Little Badman after sharing their favourite stories to each other. | |
Finally, World Book Day has arrived! Year 4 came dressed up as different book characters today to celebrate and showcase their favourite books. Throughout the day, we took part in several different reading activities to celebrate. | |
To continue celebrating World Book Day, Year 4 collaborated with the Year 2 children and supported them with their reading as they read their favourite stories to them. | |
Throughout the week, our Year 4 children take part in a Times Tables Rock Star competition against each other. Here is our 5 weeks in a row winner celebrating with her trophy! | |
To release our energy this afternoon, Year 4 took part in a Just Dance activity where we showcased our dance moves to each other. | |
As a part of today's English lesson, children took part is a conscience alley where children were giving 'the witch' reasons as to why she should give back children their happy endings. | |
As the Easter holidays are on the horizon, Carlton hosted its very own Easter Egg Hunt! Children had the chance to run around the school playground and find as many Easter Eggs as possible! Afterwards, we used our creativity to hide some eggs again for the next year group. |
Summer 2024
Today was International Earth Day. In Year 4, we looked what it meant to recycle and the importance of it, researching the impact it has on our plane.t From this, we created posters to promote saving our planet. | |
In science this half term, Buds learnt about electricity. We learnt about how electricity passes through wires in a circuit, passing from a cell to light up a bulb. As well as this, we looked at how conductors can act as a switch and how insulators cannot. | |
Year 4 took part in the Speed Watch Programme this half term. Here, we explored the importance of road safety through monitoring vehicle's speed in the local community as well as looking at bad driving habits such as not wearing seatbelts and using a mobile and the dangers of this. | |
In RE, we have been looking at the different religious within our community and developing an acceptance of different people's cultures and beliefs. Here, Year 4 created PowerPoints on these religions, showing how they are followed within the community. | |
In RHE, we took part in role play activities with the aim of resolving scenarios. Each pair were given a different scenario which they acted in different roles where they learnt to resolve a situation. | |
Children took part in a Shakespeare Workshop in which they were able to practice their acting skills and how to demonstrate different emotions, before all taking part ion performing the famous Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. | |
Today was International Biscuit Day. For this, year 4 took part in an experiment to discover what was the best biscuit for Mr Field to dunk into warm milk. Using three different biscuits, we explored which biscuit went the least soggy after dunking it into warm milk. The chocolate bourbons came out as the best! | |
Gallery Archive 2022-2023
School Councillors
Meet our class representatives who look forward to a year of working on some exciting projects.
Rotary Representatives Meet our Rotaries for Year 4 who are extremely excited to work on some Social Action Projects this academic year. |
Meet our Pals Our pals each have an important role in our classroom. Our pedagogy pal is more than happy to help anyone who needs a little support with their work. Our planet pal has the important task of making sure year 4 are doing everything they can to help save our planet and our peace pal is there to lift anyone's spirit when needed. Well done for securing such important roles.
National Poetry Day Today we celebrated National Poetry Day! We all brought in our favourite poems from home and in the morning we had the opportunity to share these with the Year 3 class. This gave us a chance to share our love of poetry and also to hear which poems the Year 3's enjoyed to read as well. In the afternoon, we were also able to write our own poems celebrating the importance of looking after our environment. We shared these with our classmates and some of us will even be able to read them in tomorrow's achievement assembly. |
What's in your town? Today in our French lesson, we practised our oral skills by explaining to our classmates what we have and don't have in the town we live in. We used the phrases 'Dans ma ville, il y a...' and 'Dans ma ville, il n'y a pas' when speaking to our classmates. |
What happens when gas is heated? In our science lesson today, we completed a practical experiment to see what happens to gas when it is heated. To do this, we used an empty water bottle and a balloon to seal the gas particles and a bowl of hot water to heat them. When the hot water heated the particles, we found that the gas particles rose and inflated the balloon! However, some balloons inflated much more than others...
Harvest Assembly We had the opportunity to present our harvest poems in this week's excellent assembly. We learnt the importance of helping ourselves in order to help others.
What's perimeter?
Throughout this week in our maths lessons, we have been focusing on understanding perimeter. To do this, we have been using a range of methods including drawing the outlines of leaves, using string and walking around the school!
World War I Workshop
This afternoon, we had a workshop all about World War 1! We learnt lots about the war including what life was like for children like us in the war and how it differed to the soldiers. We also got to see loads of awesome weapons and different equipment that they used to use.
Remembrance Day
Today was Remembrance Day. At 11 o'clock, we all held a 2 minute silence to pay our respects to those who sacrificed their lives for us. Throughout the week, we learned about the importance of Remembrance Day and what different people do to pay their respect, including wearing poppies. On Friday 11th, we created our own acrostic poems and performed these to the class.
Why does chocolate melt on a hot day?
Today, in our science lesson, we performed an experiment. In this experiment, we observed chocolate at different temperatures and we discovered that chocolate melts faster when the temperature is hotter. We also worked out that this was because the heat makes the solid particles vibrate and disperse from each other.
Patterns in the 3 times tables
Today, during our maths lessons, we looked at the three times tables. We practised these but then looked at all of the patterns we could find to develop a deep understanding We saw that every alternative product was even and we also managed to compare different times tables by seeing the difference between them.
Making Lanterns!
Today, we had an arts and crafts workshop where we were able to make our own lanterns. Using coloured cellophane, we created our own colourful designs to be stuck onto our lanterns and then created the base for our lantern to stand on. Finally, we put it all together, attached the light and we had our own working lanterns! These will be used to represent our school as they are paraded around Dewsbury in the near future.
Talking Sticks!
Today, we created our own talking sticks just like the native American tribes. We made these to help represent our own identity and show others who we are.
The Water Cycle
Today, we looked at the water cycle and learnt about evaporation, condensation and precipitation. We then created our own 'Mini World' to see if we could make our own water cycle. We will continue observe until the holidays to see what happens!
Composer of the Term
This term, Year 4 have been focusing on the composer Igor Stravinsky. We have looked at his music in detail as well as also studying his life.
The Water Cycle (Part 2)
A couple of weeks ago, we set up an experiment creating our own 'Mini World' which focused on the water cycle. Today, we had a look at our 'Mini Worlds' and this is what we noticed!
Spring 2023
Drama in English!
Today, in our English lesson, we explored different characters feelings in different settings. We discussed how they might feel and then we had the opportunity to act these out in front of our classmates.
Summarise this!
In our Reading for Meaning today, we looked at the first chapter of our new book 'How to Train Your Dragon'. After reading the first chapter, we summarised the main events by using our drama techniques.
Solving 7s
Today in maths, we looked further into the 7 times tables. We solved all different types of problems relating to the 7s and also created our own problems for others to solve!
Introducing Vikings!
Today we began looking into the historic warriors - the Vikings. We looked at their timeline to understand what happened during their tenure and then, in pairs, acted out different stages on the timeline.
Today, we had our first dance session of the term! We practised the first part of our dance routine to the song 'Shivers - by Ed Sheeran' which we will perform in our end of term dance assembly!
Odd or Even?
In our maths lessons, we used a mix of Numicon and Tens Frames to discover patterns in our times tables. We noticed that whenever you multiply by an even number, the product will always be even.
Playing with Glockenspiels
This term in music, we are looking at using glockenspiels. This has involved us practising famous music pieces as well as also having the chance to create and and perform our own pieces too!
Relationships in maths
Today in our maths lesson, we looked at the relationship that multiplication equations had with their matching division equation. We also looked at using some new mathematical language too.
Our Times Tables Rock Stars
This week, we had some Times Table Competitions for children to take part on between themselves and their classmates. These are this weeks winners!
Viking Poetry
In today's Topic lesson, we looked at Viking poetry and had the chance to out different scenes to a famous Viking poem.
This half term, we have been practising a new sport called Dragonball. Here are some pictures of us playing it.
Number Day!
Today was Number Day. We played different number activities and dressed as a number to help raise awareness of Speak out Stay safe.
Characters in Music
In today's music lesson, we created our own characters and made music to match them.
Mental Health Week
This week in Year 4, we celebrated mental health week, raising awareness of talking to others and sharing your feelings with those you trust.
Online Safety
Today was Online Safety Day. We discussed the importance of being safe online and how best to do it, as well as making posters to share with others.
Classification Keys
Today in Science, we were able to explore the outdoors and look for different invertebrates. We then looked at comparing them and making classification keys to identify them.
Butterfly Day
Today was Butterfly Day. We came dressed as butterflies, wore purple and raised money through fun activities to help raise awareness for The DEBRA Charity and Forget Me Not Children.
Curriculum Overview and Graduate Homework
Here you can access Spring 2's Graduate Homework and Curriculum Overview.
Drama in English
In English today, we looked at creating freeze frames and drama pieces to encapsulate emotions which we interpreted from illustrations found in the text we are currently reading.
Samba Music
Today, we able to create music using a range of different drums and other South American instruments.
Drama in English
Today we created scripts focusing on the use of punctuating speech.
In maths today, we looked at describing directions between one place on a grid to another.
Library Visit
Children in year 3 and 4 are thoroughly enjoying their visit to Dewsbury Library. The snow definitely didn’t stop us!
Home Learning
Due to the heavy downfall of snow, we have provided your children with their usual homework today alongside extra home learning for the children to complete - this has also been attached below.
Please encourage your children to complete as much of these activities in as much detail as possible to ensure that they are still working during school hours as a lot of this work will also help them for when they return to school.
Apologies again for the inconveniences caused.
Building Bridges
As this week is British Science Week, we looked at designing and creating our bridges using only paper and tape and competed to see who build the strongest bridge.
Animal Club
To continue celebrating British Science Week, today a zoo came into school! We were able to learn and touch different animals from all across the world!
Shakespeare Week
To celebrate Shakespeare week, we explored his plays and had our chance to act them out to our classmates.
Maths in Action
Today in our maths lessons, we delved into the understanding of fractions and used our interlocking cubes to practise representing them in different ways.