Designated Safeguarding Leads
We have a duty to ensure children are safe. In school, we do this by making sure that everyone who comes into the building is suitable for working with children. We also work hard to minimise risk on the grounds and building.
If we have concerns about the safety of any children we have a policy in school, parents are welcome to read this policy. It outlines how we deal with any issues when we think children may not be safe, including how we would act if we felt children were not safe at home.
All concerns are recorded and handed to a Designated Safeguarding Lead.
As a team, we would decide how to deal with the concern. This would usually involve speaking to parents or people from other agencies such as health or social care.
If we feel a child is at risk of harm we would usually discuss this with parents. We then have a duty of care to report our concerns to the assessment team at social care.
There are posters around the school that give more details about our safeguarding procedures. If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding please speak to one of the designated safeguarding leads above.
Who should I speak to (Safeguarding poster)
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